provides you access to quality legal representation at an annual fee of $99.99.
Are you in need of legal representation due to the following
legal issues?
- Bankruptcy or Foreclosure.
- Criminal Matter.
- Traffic Court.
- Real Estate Transaction.
- Lost a security deposit.
- Being evicted from your home.
- Need to prepare a will.
- Being Sued.
- Child Support or Custody Matters.
- Divorce.
Even though most people find themselves in these situations, the majority do not seek the advice or help of a qualified lawyer. Why?
- It may cost too much.
- They may not know where to begin.
- The process is intimidating.
If you don't know your rights, you may simply loose them! The top 10% of income earners can afford to have a lawyer on retainer and are accustomed to asking their lawyer for advice before making decisions. What about you?
- You know who to call.
- You're treated like the firm's most important client.
- A one year membership cost $99.99 or less.
- You are empowered by knowing your legal rights.
- You are entitled to free consultations.
- You receive one complimentary traffic court representation.
- You get instant access to our attorneys.
- You get reduced counsel fees by virtue of your membership.
- You may try to handle it yourself.
- You'll likely receive as much justice as you can afford.
- You may pay hundreds of dollars for ONE HOUR of a lawyer's time.
- If you don't know your rights, you don't have any!
With CEMMLAW NETWORK you can say, "I'm going to talk
to my lawyer about this." - and TRULY mean it!
Want more information? Contact us at Info@cemmlaw.com
One Washington Street, Suite 1302
Newark, New Jersey 07102
T: (973) 732-1490
F: (973) 732-1488
48 Wall Street, Suite 1100
New York, New York 10005
T: (212) 918-4868
F: (212) 918-4801
E: info@cemmlaw.com
more info